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Heart2Heart Conversations is a Women’s Empowerment Group, and Ministry, created to Inspire women to make self-care a priority in conjunction with promoting self-awareness. This community connects like-minded women of various ages and ethnicity. Our sessions take place in a safe non-judgmental space where you can learn and feel free to engage in candid conversations relating to topics that affect and challenge them as women in and outside the home. Past topics range from Domestic Violence, Raising a male Child, Financial Literacy, Sexual harassment in the workplace, etc.


Why it Started: It started in 2017 with a group of friends coming together to have some well-needed (well-deserved) “Me Time” and “Adult Conversation” about things they would never talk about or share with others. Whether it be over dinner, at a movie, or a retreat whatever the occasion we did it and we all went home feeling emotionally uplifted. The goal was to inspire, give lifelong strategies, and remind women who have forgotten to make themselves a priority, to intentionally focus on becoming more aware of who they are and what they desire to become so that they can become better members of their community, families, and themselves.

Come be a part of our sisterhood.

Our monthly Heart2Heart Conversations and Panel Discussion Sessions are Transformational and are held the fourth (4th) Saturday of each month from

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM by INVITE ONLY.

Hosted by: Torra Williams, Life Coach Strategist
Linda Ford; LCSW-R Clinician

You are invited to join a sisterhood of like-minded women from near and far for needful conversational discussions about topics they don’t discuss or share with others.

They are geared to help you resolve some of your current issues.  

Every month we have various topics that will empower you to become more intentional about your personal self-care physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and psychologically. 

Torra Williams is the founder and Host of Heart2Heart Conversations. As a professional Life Coach Strategist, she develops and facilitates women-centered workshops based on topics that are informative, relevant, and dedicated to helping women understand the importance of making “SELF-CARE” a top priority by attending our transformational sessions. 

She is passionate about this because after being married for over ten years she conditioned herself to care for everyone else first.  At the time it seemed right but it caused her to forget she was deserving of receiving love, care, and attention too. Which led her to neglect her mental, physical, and emotional well-being.  

According to studies, neglecting your personal care can cause an increase in anxiety, anger, a decrease in sleep, and ongoing exposure to stress. Without proper self-care, you can put yourself at risk for serious consequences such as depression and heart disease.  Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). Why your self-care isn't working. Psychology Today. 


Co-host, Linda Ford is an amazing woman born and raised in Hempstead, New York to the parents of Anderson and Hattie Ford. What’s special about her is that she is a licensed Clinical Social Worker who has provided over 30 years of psychotherapy services to individuals, families, and communities suffering from addiction, depression, broken families, anxiety, trauma, etc.

In my opinion, she’s living proof of what I call resourcefulness because of her ability to find efficient and innovative ways to overcome challenges. She’s full of resources and always equipped with tools for coming up with solutions that will help you up-level your life. Heart2Heart Conversations is for women for members who are ready to have fun while attending to their self-care needs. Our monthly sessions are held on the last Saturday of the month via Zoom. Occasionally there may be guest speakers who come to share their expertise on monthly topics. All costs will be announced in advance. In-person sessions, guest speakers, and session cancellations will be announced in advance.

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Our Gatherings are to connect, build,

strengthen, unify,                          and

celebrate life.

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Our goal is to inspire, give life-long strategies, and remind women who have disregarded and forgotten to make themselves a priority to intentionally focus on becoming more self-aware about knowing who they are, what they want, need, and desire so that they can be better members to their community, families, and themselves.

To empower women with the tools to recognize that self-priority is not only a luxury but is a fundamental part of life.


We invite guest speakers Past Topics: Self-Care, Raising a Male child, Financial Wellness, Domestic Violence, A Father’s Love: Upcoming Topics: Release the Her In Me”- Regret, Unforgiveness.



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 Skills: Assess your current situation to identify your problem and determine your interests and risks of success, desired level of need, outcome, and overall goals. Help you identify barriers that are holding you back, and come up with strategies for overcoming them by focusing on your strengths, promoting residency, offering individualized support, and using outside resources referrals when necessary.

Plan: Help you develop a plan, evaluate your progress, and determine the plan's effectiveness since execution. Refer to outside community resources for further support. Establish specific goals and the actions and steps to be taken to meet the goals. Monitor and Evaluate: Follow-up sessions will determine the progress and success and monitor the results to achieve the long-term outcome.

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Fill Out Our Registration Form

Thanks for registering to our event. See you there!

I am here to help you during your Transitional stage.

Why do you need a coach Post-Divorce?

To help you stay focused a one what matters most so that you’ll be able to make purposeful decisions and a concrete plan after divorce.

We all have to start somewhere:

My divorce coaching sessions can help you whether you thinking about divorce, during, and after. I will be guiding you when it comes to every aspect of your rebuilding and starting life anew after divorce.

Divorce coaching is a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide you after going through a divorce. to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their personal interests, needs, and concerns. 

I am here to Assist you Along the Way.

TOPICS                                                                DATES

"LOVE & PARTNERSHIP"The Ability To Perform As A Team.

Women's Month ", Celebrating Healing and Hope.

February 25th, 2023

March 25th, 2023

Divorce can be a freeing experience if you remove the chains you placed on yourself to stay married.

- Unknown


See What People Are Saying

“What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event? That everyone is hurting, that everyone is carrying around pain and that we need to give ourselves and each other grace and compassion. (Unknown)"

“Since starting this community, we have received testimonies that our monthly sessions and annual gatherings have been uplifting and inspiring to those in attendance. Overall, the lives of many women near and far have been impacted by the relevancy of the topics discussed, our panelist of speakers gave them hope, and guidance, and left them fulfilled."

" I liked the subject matter topics, the warm and gracious host and her guests, the delicious plentiful food, the raffling of gifts, and the entertaining music selection. There was nothing at this
the event that I disliked."

“I walked away feeling self-confident and self-assured.
The overall experience was gratifying. I am basically a shy person, but I felt very comfortable with sharing with others at this event.."

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